Loved Out partners

We are so thankful for the many partnerships that have enabled us to forge ahead with our vision and the resources needed to fuel that vision to become the reality it is today. Below is a list of the network of churches and organizations that have helped and continue to help us along the way.

Click on the names of each origination below to be directed to their website.


  • The mission of the NAB (North American Baptist Conference) is to glorify God by making disciples of Jesus Christ at home and internationally. This can best be accomplished as we combine the strength of all member churches. The International Office seeks to support this mission by helping churches and mission fields develop leaders who are able to multiply ministries in their respective settings.

  • NAMB (The North American Mission Board) is a part of the Southern Baptist Convention. Part of our family tree has been our pastor's involvement with churches who have been affiliated with NAMB. They are one of the largest missions sending organizations and truly have a heart to see the Gospel proclaimed through church planting all around the world.

  • Collateral Hope & Recovery is a Christ Centered Fellowship of Men & Women serving addicted populations and the collateral damage of loved ones and community resulting from addiction and the lifestyle. We are a resource to the local Church and not a replacement for it. We were born in September of 2018 in response to the devastating realities of this current scourge. From both the overdoses, and violence, the collateral damage is far reaching. All are welcome!

  • PATH Inc. (People Against Trafficking Humans) is a faith based not-for-profit (501c3) organization with a mission to end human trafficking through education, prevention and restoration. The PATH Enrichment Center is a safe place for lives to be enriched and hope to be restored through therapeutic support services.

  • Buffalo City Mission’s vision is to restore hope to the homeless and hurting of Western New York. We provide emergency shelter and nourishing meals to thousands of homeless men, women and children. But we don’t believe that’s enough. We believe Jesus calls us to open our arms wide as the need grows. We will continue to expand our services and develop innovative programs as the complexities of homelessness change.

  • VSGO collects and warehouses new and gently-used sports equipment and then allows pre-approved groups to shop our warehouse inventory and select all the equipment they need at little or no cost to them.

  • SonRays Ministries was originally formed in 1982 as an intercessional prayer outreach under the guidance of the local 700 Club. In 1983, we became independent when the Buffalo office of The 700 Club closed. From there the Lord was leading SonRays to focus on ministering in the area of unplanned or crisis pregnancy.

  • The Church Planting Initiative, or CPI, was formed to identify those that are interested in planting churches and help strategize and give input to the larger picture of church expressions in our region. Church planting is nothing new in Western New York, but those that were doing it, were doing so independently. The question then became, “What would it look like to bring these groups together and partner towards seeing saturation happen?” By asking that, there become a much more intentional focus towards building relationships with each other and working together on the common goal of gospel saturation. Those relationships were a product of the Church Of Western New York.

  • The first Southern Baptist Church in the northeast, LaSalle Baptist Church, was constituted June 24, 1955 in Niagara Falls, New York. Representatives of five churches and two chapels organized the Frontier Baptist Association on September 23, 1958. In the early years, churches throughout upstate New York and northwest Pennsylvania composed the association. As new associations were organized, its territory became smaller. After the last association (Rochester) was organized in 1970, there were ten churches and 932 members in the eight counties composing Frontier Baptist Association. Presently 42 churches that account for over 2500  members of Southern Baptist work in western New York. Composed primarily of newly converted native northeasterners, many of our congregations are only beginning to develop a clear understanding of Southern Baptist beliefs and pratices.